Free your road-raging, passive-aggressive, always-assuming ego by learning to change your perception of stressful moments. The USE IT mentality will transform the way you view and handle frustration, communication and relationships:%$#151;in the real world. And you don:%$#146;t have to change a thing:%$#151;except your thought process. USE IT:%$#146;s simple mental building blocks will help you laugh a lot more and lose it a lot less.


:%$#147;The mentality to work and live stress free!:%$#148;
You are about to learn the number one secret to becoming stress free. Imagine a moment in the past day or week where you have felt stressed. Where did this stress come from$%: Was it your fault or the situation$%: Have you ever said or thought this about someone or some stressful situation$%:

Most recent illustrations

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:%$#147;You are making me mad!:%$#148; Or :%$#147;This is making me mad!:%$#148;

Before I go to far into the details of the USE IT mentality let:%$#146;s take a step back and analyze the above comments. If you have ever said or felt either of those statements and you feel that someone else or something else is creating your anger then USE IT is definitely for you. So let:%$#146;s break down the truth of just one of these statements.

One illustration:

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:%$#147;You are making me mad!:%$#148;

:%$#147;You:%$#148; :%$#150; This means that I have no responsibility here whatsoever. I am completely a victim of you and your thoughts, words and deeds. So as I bounce through life hopefully you will understand my needs and give me what ever I seek. Otherwise I will blame you for all of my apparent suffering. When the people in your life are not living according to some sort of fantasized expectation you have set, you begin to play the role of the victim.

:%$#147;making:%$#148; :%$#150; In other words now you are literally and magically bending my thoughts to create anger within me. That is a real Jedi mind trick isn:%$#146;t$%: No one can make you feel anything. The power to be affected or not is totally and completely within you. Period.

:%$#147;me mad:%$#148; :%$#150; When I wrote this down I completely laughed out loud. This sounds like my three year old when he is not allowed the third snack of the day due to an overdose of sugar. If this is something you say then you should follow it up with a tantrum and lots of whining, which you most likely do. The funny thing about this statement is that it is actually true. You are mad. Crazy in fact is a better word. You have been allowing someone else to dictate your emotions long enough. It is time for you to become in control of how you feel. It is also time for you to stop being mad and discover a way to be proactive.

What would happen if we spun the original thought of :%$#147;You are making me mad!:%$#148; completely around by changing one word in order to bring truth to the statement$%: Instead of you, let:%$#146;s make it Me.

:%$#147;Me are making me mad!:%$#148; Perfect. Now go get your snack, class dismissed. Now that is the truth.

The first part of changing your life for the better it to take ownership over your decision albeit and unconscious decision, to feel stressful thoughts. No person on the planet can make you feel angry, stressful agitated or bothered. Your commitment to these made up items is what creates the agony.

Could you stick to a diet that only addressed what you ate, not why you ate it$%: Probably not. That:%$#146;s because we all know that for real change to happen, we need to go deeper. Our mind is our most powerful tool, and when we train it to think in a positive, productive way, we:%$#146;ve just opened the door to healthier, happier and more intentional way of living.

USE IT is designed to retrain your mind to think differently. To help you pause during a stressful situation and recall five factors that lead to negative reactions. To wake up and realize that you:%$#146;re not always the victim or the center of the universe or the most important element in a given situation. The theory behind USE IT is to embrace everything:%$#151;and USE IT to create positive, powerful awareness.

Unlike other stress-relief systems, USE IT works in the real world:%$#151;on the phone, in the car, at the grocery store. It was developed to work for everybody:%$#151;in everyday life.

So what is USE IT for you$%:

:%$#147;USE IT:%$#148; is the mentality to use your own thoughts and actions in every situation, including negative ones, to relieve stress rather than cause stress. To make your life better by viewing every situation in a different manner. The operative word there is YOU. You are in control. You get to make your life better in this way. These five steps will cause you to :%$#147;USE IT:%$#148; is every situation throughout your life

U - Understand the big picture in life and work.

In a potentially stressful situation, ask yourself one simple question: What matters most here$%: Understand the big picture- In this moment what is the most important to us all$%:

S - Say, :%$#147;My attitude dictates my experience.:%$#148;

You actually create your world of stressful thought. In the next stressful situation you encounter, ask, :%$#147;What is my attitude here$%::%$#148;

E :%$#150; Evict your ego.

You don:%$#146;t always need to be right:%$#151;or prove you:%$#146;re right. Let go of that I-told-you-so mentality. It will fee strange at first, but trying to be right is what has been causing millions of people like you to engage in senseless drama. You do not need drama to prove you are alive.

I - Ignore your assumptions.

Do you always feel like the victim$%: Perhaps you:%$#146;re believing things that are not really true. For now, just ask this question when you face one of your own assumptions: :%$#147;Do I really know this is true$%::%$#148; If the answer is :%$#147;No not really:%$#148; then go and ask the right questions to stop the assumption.

T - Take nothing personally.

Someone else:%$#146;s script is not for your movie. Wake up:%$#151;it:%$#146;s not always about you! Nothing another person says or does in personal. Every person is running a separate experience in this life, yet each of us believes that everyone should fall in line with our experience. If you spend a great deal of time trying to change others to fit your perfect idea then you are going to be disappointed. So how do you stop taking it personally$%: Say this, :%$#147;Not everything is about me.:%$#148; Now the next time you are feeling angry by another person's actions simply say to yourself. :%$#147;Hold on, this is not about me at all.:%$#148; This is the path to not taking it personally.

A study by experts at the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has found that $300 billion, or $7,500 per employee, is spent annually in the U.S. on stress-related compensation claims, reduced productivity, absenteeism, health insurance costs, direct medical expenses and employee turnover.

How much money:%$#151;and energy:%$#151;are you wasting on stress-related issues$%: Can you afford to miss an opportunity to bring something to your employees or to your own life that can transform it simply by paying attention$%: Next time you think about your bottom line, your ROI, your job security, remember USE IT is designed to reach the core and to help businesses:%$#151;and people!:%$#151;at a foundational level. Take this simple learning and teach it to others.

I will leave you with a little perspective!

A profound moment in my life has changed me forever. This situation happened when I was on my way to a corporate training session. I approach the security area of the airport as I have done a thousand times prior to this moment. This time however I noticed the man in front of me. He stood about five feet ten inches and looked to be in his late fifties or early sixties. He wore a look on this face I have never seen at the airport and it was curious. Without making any assumptions I could tell that his energy was low. It was not until moments later that I realized the reason. As he stood staring blankly at his personal effects slowly making their way through the conveyor belt he simply let out a sigh as the agent asked him to step over to the :%$#147;secondary screening area.:%$#148;

One copy:

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I caught a glimpse of his items as they were being picked up and it was a strange sight. In one clear bag was a watch, some rings and papers. In the other larger bag was a strange looking powdery substance. Its light gray appearance may have been the reason for caution from the agent. As the man and agent began to make their way over the agent then asked him about the contents of the larger bag of mysterious powder. Without a pause, without a breath, he simply stated, :%$#147;These are my wife:%$#146;s remains.:%$#148;

My heart sank in my chest. It was then I looked in more detail at the smaller bag of personal items. In it were specifically an engagement ring, wedding ring, and papers with a name on them. One bag bore the name of a local hospital and the other was blank. My emotions overwhelmed me and it was all I could do to contain them. My choice in that moment was to simply walk away, but I had so many questions. How long were you married$%: Do you have children$%: What was she like$%: What happened to her$%: Are you ok$%: All of these questions flowed through my head, but none could come out. I instead decided to leave him in peace, but I was forever impacted.

I believe can alter your perception of the world around you. I believe this because I did it and I have helped countless others like you do the same thing. When you come to the end of the life you are living what was the totality of that life$%: What foolish arguments did you have and with whom did you have them$%: What opportunities did you miss to love someone, to love yourself to be happy at work$%: Look, it:%$#146;s your life, but it is going to be better now. You have made a choice to live out your days in fulfillment. When your life is reduced to a box or a bag, will all of the arguments, anger, stressful thought and angst matter$%: No. Now we USE IT to make your life better. Now we USE IT so that you can make new choices about how you feel and live the rest of your life in harmony with those around you.

When I feel myself becoming angry with anyone or about to allow my mind to drift into unconscious reactions I think of this story. My attitude then becomes about living this life in full. I will not be in the bag with regret. I will be in the bag with a powerful positive life story behind me. When you are in the bag what will your story be$%: How will it that story be told by every person you have touched in your life$%:

Todd Mitchem
Phone: (303) 674-0215
Fax: (302) 336-0103

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