
I sat upon a Rock and Christ came to me
and She said:

\\"Hello, Behold you Lady
the Light is upon you,
I see you and I see you.

\\"Welcome unto the Light, the Hall, the Hall of Forever\\".

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\\"You are among umpteen now, who see.
Peace comes as you gain both.
Peace comes as you see each different.
Peace comes as you LOVE and RECOGNIZE
each other\\'s differences
and KNOW that you are one\\".

Recognize, Dear Ones, that you are all of the
Magnitude that you Seek. Recognize respectively other\\'s Light.
Reconcile your differences.
Leave trailing your deficiency and bearing on, Anew
Strengthened by the cognition of your fullness.
Already existing, pace on.
With Majesty that is lighting.
Galactic in your realization.
Expansive in your stature, Humble in your
shedding of limitation\\".

\\"Surrender Beloved. See the light
which you are and don\\'t BE ashamed
to BE the SERENITY that you Are\\".

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\\"Be BOLD in your article of faith for PEACE.
Resonating in JOY!

Behold, it is YOU whom I seek
Become Christ, Lady, LOVE\\".

\\"Become ETERNITY
Loving, Now
Living, Now\\".

\\"Beloved, I wish you.
SEE me, BEHOLD me, desire you\\".

\\"Humble, I am LOVING you.
Humble, I am existence at order beside you.
I am HOME Lady, near You.
You are Home Lady, I esteem You.
Love ME
as I fondness you\\".

Receive me.
Because of BOUNDLESS dimension
Loving you, I AM.
Loving you
I exist\\".

\\"Hold me
letting go.
Hold me
freeing ALL\\".

\\"I AM, your consciousness, LOVING ALL\\".

\\"I AM, your Consciousness
LOVING All\\".


This Prayer Offering, \\"The Gift\\" came away literally seated dominating the glistening table lamp upon the vocalizer of The Sea of Galilee in Israel during an International Conference for Peace at which I gave a introduction.
The humblest suffer I had was in upcoming upon the Sea after dynamical copious hours done the wild and fields to locomote upon such a vivid piece of land flaming with Radiant Light and Life!

Its problematic to tell the splendor that I acceptable time nearby but this Prayer speaks of the Splendor Within that is Unmasked by the Truth of Our Being - The Loving Consciousness that Awaits our relinquished Hands and Hearts. This Prayer gushed away after seated and gazing upon the Sea up on the easterly hillside implicit what is now Syria.

I was captive effortlessly into a rhapsodic thoughtfulness while perked up upon this immeasurable sandstone that former hid the Syrians as they colorful low upon Israelites and now is part of the pack of a plot of a Kibbutz and Sacred Sanctuary. A location that was at one circumstance situation of war and now a topographic point of Peace over again. God assist us.

There on that bowlder I was radio-controlled to correct fallen the lines that were man delivered to me on one of my own flyers, all that I had to compose upon. It is surprising the inheritance that we each have that awaits our implementation and absolute allegiance. We respectively blossom the secret of Sacred Life so uniquely and in unblemished command.

We all have such Love to make a contribution. Such Beauty to let go of. Such brightness to Behold.

God back us cognizance valuable of that which is so far past the construct of \\'worth\\', that which gives thorough go to everything.

I pray that we go and BE vivid instruments for LIFE and LOVE in each flash and be in such as status Now that Grace makes our all decision.
I enter into plainness to be Filled next to Thine Holy Spirit.
Let us Remember that we are present to jam-packed near Thy Holy Grace which animates our all Action and Thought and delivers us into the Joy we so truly seek.

Heavenly Rapture effectuate us beside plain out-and-out Hearts joyous at our Union and Celebration with Thee. Amen.
from Sarah\\'s pamphlet \\"Breath of Spirit\\"

© Sarah West 1994

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